Updating several rows in a table column by using the values from another table's row

Good day

I do apologize if this has been solved before. I have spent hours on the forum but I do not see a concise solution to my problem, so here goes. I have the following:

Table 1: which has columns containing location details. The table is called SiteDetails and has an empty column for a NameSurname based on a user role โ€œSales Directorโ€

picture1 SiteDetails table before:

Table 2: I have another table, called Users, where I assign an added user, with the [Role] of โ€œSales Directorโ€ to a specific [Retailer] and [Country]

picture 2 Users table:

When I update/add to my Users table I want to update the Sales Director Column in the SiteDetails table with the corresponding values in the Users table, to end up like this:

picture 3 SiteDetails table after (example of required outcome):

I could very easily get hits done by adding a virtual column of LIST type and not a physical one and then adding the following expression to the virtual column in the SiteDetails table:

select(Users[NameSurname],and([Role]="Sales Director",in([_thisrow].[Retailer],[Retail Channel]),in([_thisrow].[Country],[Country])))

This updated the virtual column with the NameSurname assigned to the specific retailer and country. But I realized I do not need a virtual column, but an actual column to be updated as I will have a second app that uses the table with the assigned roles,

so my question is, how do I:

Update the SiteDetails actual column based on the specific country and retailer in the SiteDetails row but using the assigned values in the UsersTableโ€ฆ so, basically do what the virtual column did but to the actual column

I hope this makes sense.

1 14 428

Have you taken a look at the reference actions?


While adding/updating the UserTable, you need to run an Action. This action will be selected of the Event Actions>Form Saved>SELECT the Action here as follows-

The Action should be prepared following SnapShot-

Referenced Rows: Rows should be filtered here.
Referenced Action: Another action to update the SiteDetail Table.

So far, it should be your mode of action.


Thank you both the prompt reply and suggestions, I will try and revert back with feedback.

Hi Gentlemen, I am still struggling, I have gotten this far and parts seems to be working but I must have my wires mixed up somewhere

Action 1:

with the following formula:

resulting in this:

Action 2:

@Suvrutt_Gurjar I looked at the reference actions app and followed their description up to a point, I just do not understand how the last paragraph will tie into my tables

Here is what I did: (In the below description I substituted the apps description โ€œChildโ€ with โ€œSiteDetailsโ€ and โ€œParentโ€ with โ€œUsersโ€)

On the โ€œSiteDetailsโ€ table, I added an action called โ€œAssign Sales Directorโ€ that adds the Sales Director selected by the formula: any(select(Users[NameSurname],and([Role]="Sales Director",in([_thisrow].[Retailer],[Retail Channel]),in([_thisrow].[Country],[Country])))) to the current rowโ€™s [Sales Director] column. This is a regular โ€œset the values of some columns in this rowโ€ action.

On the โ€œUsersโ€ table, I added an action called โ€œAssign Sales Director to all rowsโ€. This is a reference action. The reference action is going to call the โ€œAssign Sales Directorโ€ action on the โ€œSiteDetailsโ€ table, so I pick โ€œSiteDetailsโ€ in the Referenced Table dropdown and โ€œAssign Sales Directorโ€ in the Referenced Action dropdown.

This part I cannot get to work/do not understand:

A reference action needs a list of keys from the โ€œSiteDetailsโ€ table in order to call this.
The โ€œUsersโ€ table already has a virtual column called โ€œ???โ€ that holds the referring rows to that โ€œUsersโ€ row. So I just wrote โ€œ???โ€ for the Referenced Rows field in the action configuration.

Could you please elaborate this? What you mean by โ€œ???โ€ Do you really have a VC by that name? Are the two tables referencing each other? If so could you mention which is parent, child table and refe and rev reference columns therein?


No I do not have a VC by the name :-), in the "How we built this app section of the link they describe their process. I copied the complete process but did not understand their description of how the virtual column would tie into my table setup, that is what I meant with the โ€œ???โ€โ€ฆI could not get the two table referencing each other part done.

I would assume in my scenario the child table should be the sitedetails and the โ€œparentโ€ should be my users tabel?

Please try in referenced rows setting of action 2

SELECT(SiteDetails [Key Column Name of SiteDetails Table], AND( IN([Retailer], [_THISROW].[Retail Channel]), IN([Country], [_THISROW].[Country])))

Apologies. The problem is that although it does update the SiteDetails table it does this row by row and it syncs the app for each row, which takes ages. How would I get it to update all the rows filtered in action 2 all at once with the name selected in action 1? So 1 sync and not 854

So the reference actions typically work in one to many rows format.

If from the โ€œparentโ€ or the driving table has one row that can update n rows in the referenced table , then there will be โ€œnโ€ syncs.

I believe if you have n rows to update in the referenced table, there will be n syncs ( one per referenced row) in this method.

Also, I believe, this approach may not be used for such a mass update system. If a parent has handful childrenโ€™s rows (5 or 10) as in the sample app, then it will be the best use case for reference actions per my understanding.

You could use possibly use API/Webhooks or options such as Google apps script or other integrating approaches to add so many rows.

Or if it is a one time operation, you could evaluate using some backend sheet formulas and populate those values once for all.

That is just what I was thinking! I will try both ways and see what is the easiest. Thank you for your continued effort with this matter

It does work now!..sort of heheโ€ฆ It updates the SiteDetails Table but as individual syncs


Is there any way to do this in a single sync?

Nice to know it works to a certain extent. Please elaborate what you wish to exactly do?

Thank you for the suggestion, I will try it and get back with feedback.

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