[Urgent] Need a workaround to make the bot wait exactly 5 mintues before shooting email OR smth else

I am looking for a solution to delay sending an email by exactly 5 minutes in my ordering application. Currently, I'm facing an issue with the "Wait" step in my process, as it's not precise and can sometimes take an excessively long time (over 3,000 minutes).

Here's the context: In my app, items are added to a shopping cart, and the details of these items are linked to an order using the expression [REF_ROWS("Table Name", "Key")], specifically REF_ROWS("Order Details", "Order Id"), which we refer to as [Related Order Details].

The problem arises when sending an email notification as soon as a new order is created. The email, which is supposed to include these [Related Order Details] as attachments using the <<Start>> and <<End>> expressions, turns up empty. However, if I wait for a while before sending the email (presumably allowing time for the order details to be fully processed), the details then appear correctly in the email.

I'm seeking advice on how to implement a more reliable and accurate method to delay the email notification, ensuring that it includes all the necessary order details when sent.

0 2 175

Hey man,

whenever a order detail is added (or deleted) make sure the Count(shopping cart items/rows) equals the Count([Related Order Details]) and then only send the email.


This challenge where child records are not present is a normal behavior because the Bot is triggered right after the parent record is saved. Child records are not saved yet, and that's why they are not present in your email.

To solve this, you don't need to add any delay. You just need to add an action to update the parent. That action is calculated after all child are saved. It's the last in that process.

To do that, you need to change your Bot from "Adds" to "Updates" and then trigger the action from the parent_form view with the Event action.

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