Urgent first, Completed last, the rest according to the Due Date in between


In a Task Management app, I have an Inline deck view with all the Tasks of a Project.
They have three Properties, by which I would like to arrange them, but I can’t really get what I want:

1. They have a Priority, by which they can be Urgent and if they are, they have to be ON TOP
(so first rule of arrangement - ascending by Priority)

2. They have a Due Date, by which I arrange them ascending so the closer the Due Date, the Closer they are to THE TOP.
(so second rule of arrangement - ascending by Due Date)

3. They have a Progress - Not started, Half completed and Completed. (it’s not a progress column). And here, I just want to have all the Completed tasks show at THE END.
(so I don’t know how to do that from the options I have (know so far) in the View).

The first two are done. It’s getting the Completed Tasks show at THE END (bottom), even if their Due Date is closer to Today then an Half Completed Task is…that is the tricky part.

Can I do this directly from the setup of the View?
Or is there a workaround needed?
And if so, any ideas?

Thank you,

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Yes, Grouping won’t help. I tried it too but it doesn’t give the right result for the exact reason you guessed as well.

What I did was closer to what @Steve said - I made a Virtual Column Progress 2, that separates Active Tasks (Not started and Half Completed Tasks) from Inactive Tasks (completed tasks).
Then I first Sorted by this Column - Progress 2, which puts all Completed Tasks at the Bottom.
Then I Sorted by Priority which puts all Urgent Tasks at the Top.
And then I sorted by Due Date which sorts the three groups (which are not grouped) by Due Date.

And it does exactly what I needed
Thank you

View solution in original post


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I don’t believe you can do it with view configuration alone. You’re going to need to add another (virtual?) column. Perhaps a Completed? column, then sort on that first, before priority.

The trick is to put the progress grouping before the dates and sort descending.

I think that will do what you want:

  • You’ll have a group of Urgent one’s one top
  • In that Urgent group, you’ll have things broken into groups of Not started/Half started, completed
  • In each of those sub-groups you’ll then have things sorted by the due date.

I think…

Only thing here is that the not started and half started groups will each be grouped separately so even though something in the Half-started group might have a close due date than something in the not-started - the not started group will come first. I think…

Yes, Grouping won’t help. I tried it too but it doesn’t give the right result for the exact reason you guessed as well.

What I did was closer to what @Steve said - I made a Virtual Column Progress 2, that separates Active Tasks (Not started and Half Completed Tasks) from Inactive Tasks (completed tasks).
Then I first Sorted by this Column - Progress 2, which puts all Completed Tasks at the Bottom.
Then I Sorted by Priority which puts all Urgent Tasks at the Top.
And then I sorted by Due Date which sorts the three groups (which are not grouped) by Due Date.

And it does exactly what I needed
Thank you

My miss-type, I was actually meaning sorting the whole time I was saying grouping - but I’m glad you got it figured out!

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