Use multiple slices, but only add using single form

We have a use case where we have 1 dataset but have multiple slices to show various sets of data to users across different tabs (i.e., 3 tabs = 3 different slices of data). Within those tabs we'd like to give the users the ability to add records to the core dataset. The issue we're running into is that this requires us to maintain 3 separate forms for each of the slices. We have tried adding a behavior/action to the slice but it doesn't show up on the main page of the view.

Any help or workarounds? Thanks!

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I think even though a table might have n number of slices, the Form View which is system generated is common to all. There is only one Form View in my App for Tables with multiple slices



Thanks for the reply! This is what I'm seeing, not sure if its because of adds is enabled for those slices that creates the form:



sorry, this is wrong information that i posted ๐Ÿ™. I had done some workaround for attaining this and it was very long back that i forgot. I created an action Named Navigate which uses LINKTOROW([KEY],"View_Form") and made this action as Even Action when row is selected in the slice views.


Using this the same Form view of original Table can be reused for all Slices.

Do you want slice in read only mode ?

So that it cannot open forms. 


Disable the System generated 'Add' button by setting it to 'Do not display' and then create your own.  You can place this add button on your Parent table.




Thanks for the reply! I tried that solution and not seeing the button show up on the view:



The View (displaying the slice) where we're hoping to have the button:



If the button is not showing up, check the settings within the Behaviour section of the button definition...the expression in there should resolve to TRUE to make the button appear.

The behavior expression is just set to '=true' by default. We still dont see the button on the table view, but we do see it in the details view. This details view displays after clicking through on a record and is showing the information from the main table. I suspect it is showing because its tied to the main table vs the slice. Any thoughts on why it wouldn't show on the slice?



You only see buttons set to Display as Primary or Display Inline on a table!

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