User gets kicked out of record when trying to edit it, other weird UI problems

I have posted about this before, but I have a single user that has all kinds of problems with Appsheet.  None of my other users have similar experiences.  He works remotely, so I don't have direct access to his machine, but I had him screen share today and he demonstrated one of the major problems he's experiencing, so I got to see it with my own eyes:

He goes into a table view in any app (we have several).  He clicks into a record and can see the detail view.  He clicks the edit action button.  It immediately kicks him out of the record and back to the table view.  He could not edit records.  

This behavior comes and goes in spurts.  He has tried rebooting, clearing cookies/cache/temp files, making sure everything is up to date.  He is using Chrome browser.  I am on the same (latest) version, and I cannot reproduce the problem.  He also has other seemingly random UI glitches like views that are blank sometimes. After saving changes to one record, he can no longer click into and view any other records until he reloads the site.  One of the apps essentially totally breaks for him after he makes one edit.   Any ideas?'s driving us both crazy.  I have nearly 50 users and he's the only one with these symptoms!  He claims to have filed a support ticket but nobody has ever responded.  I would think he was trolling me had I not seen it with my own eyes.  Thanks in advance.

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Are these apps using the new desktop UI?


Update:  Contacted Support.  No real feedback, but suddenly the app was changed to enable desktop mode without my knowledge.  I have to assume support did it.  Now it works for the user.  If I switch it back and turn off desktop mode, it breaks again for the user.  So strange.

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