Using a virtual column with actions and bots


I have a 3 table , order , order items , customerorder items is a child to orders , and in the order dataset i have a ref virtual list called [Running Balance] which uses the expression [Virtual Column] + [ACTUAL COLUMN] .  The virtual column is the sum of all item in which is gotten from order item. 

What i wanted to do is create a bot that when ever the order status is changed , it updates the running balance column in the customer table. To do this I created an action in the customer table with the expression 



MAXROW("Orders","_RowNumber" ,[Customer ID] = [_thisrow].[Customer ID]),
"Orders","ID","Cost after balance and payment"


and joined it in the table order with another action in the order table


SELECT(Customer[Customer ID],[Customer ID] = [_THISROW].[Customer])


when i run this action with a button  in the order detail view the correct amount, ie [Running Balance] which is a virtual column is updated to the customer table. But if i run it with a bot the same action will one amount value of one of the items from all possible list.

Is this a bug if not what am i doing wrong , any help would be appreciated.

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My recent similar issue with lookups was adding a [_thisrow] to the first parameter. 

I didn't understand it, but without it I got wrong findings also (in templates in my case, but in VC it worked fine without it). 

Maybe read about it in the lookup formula help page 

View solution in original post


@artblackcat wrote:

SELECT(Customer[Customer ID],[Customer ID] = [_THISROW].[Customer])

This is in an "Execute.." action's "referenced rows" settings, correct? If so, you can easily reduce that formula to LIST([Customer])


@artblackcat wrote:

But if i run it with a bot the same action will one amount value of one of the items from all possible list.

That bolded part makes no sense, can you re-write it?



Ok ,so basically i went another way with the app to update the customer number, but the issue i was facing was basically was that the action with and expression when SUM(related list) it would print out the correct sum  , but if the  action was link to a bot, the when the SUM(related list) it would just choose the first item in the list, and just return that and not complete it. I.e. that  why i am unsure if its a bug or a feature of automation.  I would link my app here but i no longer have it as that was just for practicing

My recent similar issue with lookups was adding a [_thisrow] to the first parameter. 

I didn't understand it, but without it I got wrong findings also (in templates in my case, but in VC it worked fine without it). 

Maybe read about it in the lookup formula help page 

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