Using images as buttons

I have a column with the name "sensaciones". This column will have values between 0 and 10. This values are shown like buttons. I want a different image to each button instead of numbers. But I don't know how to do it. Could you help me? Thanks.

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You will need to set the below highlighted setting to off.

Image Display.png

However before changing setting please ensure this fits into your security policy by reading the below post.

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Welcome to the community!

You can create a table named Sensaciones with the following columns:

  • sensaciónID: mark it as Key, type: Number
  • Foto: mark as Label, type: Image

Add your sensaciones one by one in this table through the form and upload the corresponding image.

In your original table, change the type of "sensaciones" column to Ref, pointing to the newly-created Sensaciones table. Now the user will see the images instead of numbers, but the column value will remain the corresponding number. 

I have done this, but I don't get that "Sensaciones" table appears in my app. I only have my original table in the app view.

One more option is to use images files in enum button options itself. If you store the image PNgs or JPGS in the root folder where the backend spreadsheet , the images will show as buttons.



In the sample app below for some reason the PNGs do not get copied and so are not displayed in the buttons. But the approach works  if you copy at the path as described.


Thanks @Suvrutt_Gurjar I didn't know about that.

I have done this, but I have the same problem with the buttons. Images aren't shown. Instead of, in the buttons, a error symbol appears. When I put the mouse cursor over them, a message whit the number "400" appears.

You will need to set the below highlighted setting to off.

Image Display.png

However before changing setting please ensure this fits into your security policy by reading the below post.

Suvrutt_Gurjar, thaks for your help!

Your advice worked.

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