View position naming

I just sent this note to support:

---- start quote ----

I would like to report a small inconsistency in the AppSheet editing interface.
When we edid a view, the position choices are:

first / next / middle / later / last

However, in the listing of primary views, the positions are shown as follows:

left most / left / center / right / right most

Shouldn't these names be consistent?

---- end quote ----

No big deal but I think consistency is better than inconsistency.  Also, "rightmost" and "leftmost" are usually written as one word.  So, I would suggest everything be shown as follows:

leftmost / left / center / right / rightmost

Any thoughts?

2 11 341

I got this from support:

--- start quote ---
Thanks for contacting the Google Cloud Support Team,
This question sounds like it would be better served by the AppSheet user community: . Please feel free to post your question at
This channel is to support errors and bugs in the app, for any other Product or design related queries, please ask in the community if already not available.
--- end quote ---

I guess inconsistency in the app isn't a "bug."  I know I can post ideas for new features in the "Feature Ideas" section.  But, "fix your spelling and inconsistencies" doesn't really seem like a "feature idea" to me.  And, although I posted here in "Q&A," I have misgivings about this category as the best place to report problems.  😞

One more point: When we post, we don't have a "bug" label to choose from:

Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 12.02.06.png

Apparently, we can type in "bug" as two people have:

Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 12.02.27.png

But, only 2 "Bug" labels makes me think that many more people would have used the label if it were available.

I know that the good people at AppSheet are actually quite receptive to bug reports because they make the platform better.  Why is it so hard to figure out how to make bug reports here?  Shouldn't "Bug reports" be a key category of any computing platform?

As far as I know, AppSheet made a change to the position naming recently, most likely taking into accout the arrival of new desktop UX where the primary position (bottom) is going to disappear, while it stays available on mobile view.

However, in my opinion, they made 2 x mistakes.

1) New naming is adding more confusion.  I agree "leftmost / left / center / right / rightmost" is far better.

2) They forgot the primary position for the mobile view is still available.

However, this is little tricky and difficult subject how to express each position for primary positions for views.....

I m not carrying perfect answer with me, but it should be something like ; -


The difficulty is coming from we have to express it in the vertial direction for new desktop ux, against in the horizontal direction for mobile usage.....

I agree with @Koichi_Tsuji and @Kirk_Masden . Additionally the overlay action has been called 'Primary" in some places and continues to be called "Overlay" in some other places in the app editor.

In the action setting pane 


In UX -- > Options



Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Escalated the consistency complaint to Development.

Escalated the support complaint to Support.

Don't hold your breath.

@Kirk_Masden wrote:

One more point: When we post, we don't have a "bug" label to choose from:

Attn @AndrewB @Michelle @Roderick 

@Kirk_Masden wrote:

I know that the good people at AppSheet are actually quite receptive to bug reports

Not so much anymore.

@Kirk_Masden wrote:

Shouldn't "Bug reports" be a key category of any computing platform?

You'd think, wouldn't you?

@Koichi_Tsuji wrote:

As far as I know, AppSheet made a change to the position naming recently, most likely taking into accout the arrival of new desktop UX where the primary position (bottom) is going to disappear, while it stays available on mobile view.

As I recall, there was a release note about this. @lizlynch?

@Suvrutt_Gurjar wrote:

Additionally the overlay action has been called 'Primary" in some places and continues to be called "Overlay" in some other places in the app editor.

I've escalated this as well.


Thanks!  I've received confirmation via support that this is being looked into. 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for reporting these @Steve I'll keep an eye on the internal tickets. 

I agree that a "Bug" later might be a helpful category to add for better tracking and monitoring. Standby! 


With this community, there is a category for Bug. But we are asked not to post a bug on this community, but report through the new channel, where there is no category for bug report... For me , not making any sense, but we all the community member should be puzzled.


@Kirk_Masden wrote:

Thanks for contacting the Google Cloud Support Team,
This question sounds like it would be better served by the AppSheet user community: . Please feel free to post your question at
This channel is to support errors and bugs in the app, for any other Product or design related queries, please ask in the community if already not available

"Google Cloud Support Team"... Ok, makes sense why we don't get good support these days

I got some good support recently.  But, support isn't as consistently good as it used to be, I'm afraid.

Jack of all trades, master of none
- Google Cloud Support Team

PS: I don't know who is working there so I apologize if you feel offended, I just wanted to point out what we feel as AppSheet users. We need more AppSheet experts on the support team, not just someone that was trained to use AppSheet last year

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