Virtual Column to Row Numbering based on distance

Hi All,

Trying to achieve an expression that calculates a counting number based on where the row falls in a list using calculated distance where lower distance values should be high in the list. Need a virtual column since the usersettings filter rows based on a user inputted zip code. 

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Using any multi row expressions in a virtual column will lead to potential sync time increase.  With this in mind you could try below.

1. Please create a slice on the table called say "Specific_Zipcode'" with an expression something like USERSETTINGS("ZipCode") =[Zipcode]

2. Then the expression for ranking the distances in the virtual column can be something like 


        (" , " & Specific_Zipcode[Distance] & " , "),
        (" , " & [Distance] & " , ")
    " , "


The expression is based on the following tip 

INDEXOF() - Google Cloud Community

If the table is a child table to some other table, we could try the possibility of using system generated reverse reference column instead of slice based list to reduce the sync time impact.


View solution in original post


Using any multi row expressions in a virtual column will lead to potential sync time increase.  With this in mind you could try below.

1. Please create a slice on the table called say "Specific_Zipcode'" with an expression something like USERSETTINGS("ZipCode") =[Zipcode]

2. Then the expression for ranking the distances in the virtual column can be something like 


        (" , " & Specific_Zipcode[Distance] & " , "),
        (" , " & [Distance] & " , ")
    " , "


The expression is based on the following tip 

INDEXOF() - Google Cloud Community

If the table is a child table to some other table, we could try the possibility of using system generated reverse reference column instead of slice based list to reduce the sync time impact.


Thanks, I used what you gave and ultimately was able to get things working to number them by distance with the expression below. Much appreciated. 

        nursing home profile data[CMS Certification Number],  
        [User Settings Distance Calculation] <= [_THISROW].[User Settings Distance Calculation]

Numbering let me apply different formatting to pins & correlate with a generated pdf.
Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 3.43.26โ€ฏPM.png

You are welcome. Thank you for the update. Nice to know you have got it working.

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