Visible records based on record status and date

Hello everyone, first of all thank you for the help you can give me.

I have a Slices table in which I am trying to create an expression that allows me to filter by the states of a column.

Depending on the state and the days elapsed since the registration date, it must be displayed or not.

For example, if a record has the status โ€œRejected for Complianceโ€ and the record date was โ€œ10/10/2021โ€ it will only be visible during the next 10 days from the record date, that is, it should be shown until today since tomorrow will have been 11 days.

I have tried to create an expesion but I have not been able to achieve the result, I thank you in advance for the help you can give me.

I am attaching a screenshot with the statuses that I have and the days in which they will be visible from the date of registration according to their status.

Thank you

0 1 162

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Maybe something like this:

      "Pending to verify"
    (TODAY() - [Registration date])
    <= SWITCH(
      "Inactive Agent", 5,
      "Give up discharge", 10,
      "Rejected closeness", 10,

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