Vlookup using ArrayFormula and IMPORTRANGE

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

hey, I am new and existed to get some automated flows. 

I started using vlookup to refer details from another Google sheet.  I am using from another Gsheet. I am using ArrayFormula and vlookup where I am using IMPORTRANGE to refer details from another google sheet.  It started working well.  

When my rows increased, the output started jumbling the rows from original sheet.

For eg: in Target Sheet for Unique ID : Bank20212, vlookup is fetched details from unique id of Bank2021199. Similarly for Unique id Bank202120 values of unique id Bank2021199 are getting fetched.

Formula that I have:  replaced xxxxx to mask actual values. 

=ArrayFormula(if($B3:B="","",vlookup($B3:B,IMPORTRANGE("://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/edit#gid=0 ","FullTxns!C:U"),E$1)))

screen showing the same values against Unique ID (SrcRef)KeyVlookup.png 

Please help. 

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Dont put your IMPORTRANGE function inside an ArrayFormula!  Your sheet will be importing and searching the same range for every row that is computed.  Add a blank sheet and import your range into that sheet once.  Then just use the same lookup formula, but refer to your new sheet instead of the importrange one.

View solution in original post


This is an AppSheet forum.  Is your issue a problem with AppSheet or within the Google sheet only? 

I am using google sheets for AppSheet form.  I will request support on Google sheets. Tks. 

Dont put your IMPORTRANGE function inside an ArrayFormula!  Your sheet will be importing and searching the same range for every row that is computed.  Add a blank sheet and import your range into that sheet once.  Then just use the same lookup formula, but refer to your new sheet instead of the importrange one.

Thanks Scott192.  Will try that option. 

It worked. I have created multiple sheets and then applied vlookup. 

Also, you may want to consider INDEX-MATCH for speed. Vlookup is heavy.

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