WARNINGS - for not having data with an image column?

I have a screen full of warnings (see image) all of which suggest that I am using “a display type best suited for data with an image column”. My data is otherwise working great and I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong or how to remedy this without a ton of virtual columns which I don’t want to implement: re: slows the app down.

Any solution for this?

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Hi @Scott_Hall! When you are using a view type such as gallery, the system simply has a preference for incorporating images into the view. You’ll receive a warning such as this if your data does not contain the preferred data in the column, in this case an image. You can learn more about working with different view types by reviewing this support article.

I’ve made a little change to switch these from warnings to infos (which are meant as suggestions) so you will no longer see this in a few days.

That seems to be a better fit. I couldn’t find a way in which it was affecting the app but the fact that it was under “warnings” kept me feeling like I was missing something.

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