Wait Action on Bot - Timestamp is incorrect


I have a set of rows that are added to a table (Table A) that are triggered once information is added to another table (Table B). I have specified that the "Date" column should print the function NOW() in Table A. I have implemented a "Wait" action in the Bot to wait an hour before adding another set of rows to Table A. After the hour passes, the time stamp of the rows is an hour earlier than the first timestamp. In other words:

The first timestamp, of the first set of rows (after being triggered by Table B), is at 9:00 (the actual time at which the action was fired) then once the wait function is activated and completed (an hour duration) then the timestamp of the next set of rows is 8:00 as opposed to 10:00 (which is should be).

After the second set of rows are added, another wait function is incorporated (for another hour duration) for which the timestamp is 9:00. This action is fired for another 4 hours for which the timestamps continue as per normal (i.e. 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 and 13:00).

What could be causing this?

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Are some of the dates being set by the Form while others are being set by automation? 

The time in the Forms, actually the UI in general, will be based on your locale settings.  The times assigned from the server will based on the time used there - which I have never really identified what that is.

To ensure consistency, you can use the UTCNOW() function.  This will ensure the that DateTime is kept consistent whether its assigned in the UI or by the server.

If your "Date" column is one that is displayed to the User, then I would recommend having TWO Date columns - one for the locale based user displayed value and a second as UTC DateTime used by automation.

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