Weird Thumbnail appears beside selection on dropdown list When using Valid if

when i use Valid if to limit my drop list to certain values i found the icon shown in the photo

However, i used the ref type with other dropdown list without any valid if statement, and it works perfectly.

The Expression used in the valid if part is :


[Submittal Type]=[_THISROW].[Submittal Type],

as shown in the photo:

Am i doing any thing wrong? how to get rid of that icon?

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You would need to create your expression so that you select Engineers who have projects - i.e. a filtered list of Engineers.

Something like this:

SELECT(Engineers[Engineer ID], IN([Engineer ID], Projects[Engineer]))

In english - โ€œSelect the Engineer ID from the Engineers table where the Engineer ID is IN the list of engineers from the Projects tableโ€


  • Projects[Engineer] is short-hand for 'SELECT(Projects[Engineer], TRUE)`
  • This assumes that [Engineer] is a REF column to the Engineers table

You can read more about the IN() function here:

View solution in original post


Is [Submittal No] your โ€œkeyโ€ coumn?


even in the referenced table it is not the key.

[Submittal No.] is a REF column so the values presented in the dropdown list MUST be key column values from the โ€œSource tableโ€ AND they must be in the list designated by your Valid_If expression. If either of these are not true you will see the yellow โ€œwarningโ€ icon.

In your case you have, in the Valid_If, the expression as:

SELECT(Submital No[Submital No]....

Submital No is your table. For REF column to work, [Submital No] column MUST be the key column for the table. If it is not, change it to the key column.

Actually i cant make it key in referenced table, i am using a concatenate expression to represent a key, the submittal No could be repeated.

is their any problems may occur because of this warning icon?

Whichever column is set as the key in Submital No table, you MUST MUST MUST use that column in the SELECT() expression in the Valid_If.

The next issue beginners will encounter is that the dropdown list doesnโ€™t show the value they want shown. That is what the Label column is for. It is the value that is displayed instead of the key. So, in the Submital No table in the Label property column, check which value should be displayed in the dropdown list.

I will follow as per your respected advice and i will re adjust my table to follow as advised.
Really Thank you so much

Sorry for coming back, i did as per your advice, and magically all warning weird thumbnails were disappeared.
However, i have tables with many to many relationships.
i have โ€œEngineersโ€ Table and โ€œProjectsโ€ table, many Engineers has many projects, and many projects has many engineers, so, I created an โ€œEngineer projectsโ€ table contains just the idโ€™s from both โ€œEngineersโ€ and โ€œProjectsโ€ tables in addition to a key column โ€œeven if it is not requiredโ€.

i cant use the method you taught me above to show the actual Engineer name from โ€œEngineer projectsโ€ table in a list to assign him a task from referenced column at tasks.

any idea
Thank you

You would need to create your expression so that you select Engineers who have projects - i.e. a filtered list of Engineers.

Something like this:

SELECT(Engineers[Engineer ID], IN([Engineer ID], Projects[Engineer]))

In english - โ€œSelect the Engineer ID from the Engineers table where the Engineer ID is IN the list of engineers from the Projects tableโ€


  • Projects[Engineer] is short-hand for 'SELECT(Projects[Engineer], TRUE)`
  • This assumes that [Engineer] is a REF column to the Engineers table

You can read more about the IN() function here:

Honestly, Thank you.

It works perfectly. Actually, it solved other difficulties i was facing too.

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