What expression should I use to compare an input value to a cell value??

I have a table to register information about who come in at the company, in another table I have information about what vehicles are able to come in, my goal is compare the plate number that will be inputed at the first table and check if it's able to enter at the company

It'll means a lot if someone could help me with this!!

Thank's in advance

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Hello Monica, Try with Select or LOOKUP.

Sorry I cann't help you more, because these are expresions that I can not understand so much.



@saraI'll search more about it...

Thank's a lot 😊

Ok, remember click on solve when you find the solution to close the items. 

And search on https://support.google.com/appsheet/table/10104782?hl=en&ref_topic=10099895,10173496,10099316,

Good luck!!!

If anyone else have sugestions i'm hearing


What have you tried?

Hey @Steve

 I tried to use the Select and Lookup, but couldn't even test because, after saving the updates the field was hidden, also I don't know if I was writing the correct formula in the correct field.
My doubt is, does select and lookup always needs to bring a result value? Cause what i'm trying to do is only a validation

If a SELECT expression in a valid_if doesn't return any results, then the field will be hidden.




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