What is the condition to Find the lowest values in column and extract them from similar values with another column

What is the correct way to make a condition in the wnidow Format rules for the column [PRICE].

The required condition is as follows:

Searching for equal values in the column [SIZE] & it should be lowest value in the column [PRICE].
The value that satisfy both conditions should be marked in red in the [PRICE] column.

Attached are picture for explain.


UX/Format Rules

In the date entry page

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Try this expression:

[Price] = MIN(SELECT(Market Surve[Price], [Size] = [_THISROW].[Size]))

View solution in original post


Try this expression:

[Price] = MIN(SELECT(Market Surve[Price], [Size] = [_THISROW].[Size]))

@WillowMobileSystems I followed your instructions and are now working fine.

Iโ€™ve used the expression suggested by you in the window Format rules
[Price] = MIN(SELECT(Market Surve[Price], [Size] = [_THISROW].[Size]))

lowest value in the column [PRICE] it show red

Thank you very much

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