What's the easiest way to hide an empty inline REF List view,

What’s the easiest way to hide an empty inline REF List view, with out changing write permissions?

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I think the column of the refrows, and a showif conditional expression would get it there…

Thanks @Grant_Stead for your response. I’m not using show-if constraints universally so conditions on the column settings isn’t hiding the list in detail view…

Let me know if you have any tips. Thanks a mil.

Turn on use show-if universally? To my knowledge, that’s the only (practical) way to do it.

Thanks Steve.
I need to keep universal show if off for other form actions.
However on the view’s UX side I see the following show if option… 2X_0_0f9e3bed70b0eefdaa615cabb79a838152f7888a.png
Still trying to figure out a formula that works on the view when inline…
Anyway thanks for weighing in…

BTW if you don’t mind, I’m messaging you for your advice on an unrelated query…
Cheers and thanks

The Show if property for a view affects the display of the view in the main menu (the “hamburger menu”) and in the navigation bar along the bottom of the screen. It does not affect the display of individual columns within the view.

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