Whats the best way to add new data (column) to an existing App?

Whatโ€™s the best way to add new data (column) to an existing App?
Add a new column in Gsheet and then in Appsheet generate columns or add a virtual column by Appsheet?
If I Regenerate columns itโ€™s going to change the properties of some fields right?

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If you have set correct column types in your spreadsheet, they are the same than in your app and all your column names are same, then you can add a new column and regenerate the column structure. If it doesnโ€™t go right, you can always open the older version and do it again in a different way.

If you have made data validation in your spreadsheet, it can overwrite your manually added options with Enum or Enumlist though.

Thanks @Aleksi.
Yes, I createad some Enums in Appsheet. But I think I can rebuild them.
Whats the best pratics to revert to an older version? Where can I find a tutorial about that?

You can find older versions from Manage > Versions > Version histort > Get Version history

Thank you so much

Youโ€™re welcome

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