Which pricing for this?

Hi all. I created an app which I have run test to see if it can be deployed, but I get following error:

Invalid subscription plan: "myapp": Make document process task not allowed with the APPSHEET STARTER plan

So, which plan allows for this? I have read pricing but i'm not sure where this falls under.



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PDF document generation is shown under Starter Plan






View solution in original post

File generation needs Core, but you can create the file also with the automation Bot as AppSheet has two choises..  send as attachment or save your file for example to Google Drive without emailing it.

View solution in original post


PDF document generation is shown under Starter Plan






Thanks for response.
I already have that plan but i still get that error. Not sure why.

you can also try Analyse app features to see which plan is allowed for your app



File generation needs Core, but you can create the file also with the automation Bot as AppSheet has two choises..  send as attachment or save your file for example to Google Drive without emailing it.

@AleksiAlkio which part needs Core 

This one.. 



Ok. Thank you Aleksi

You're welcome!

Thanks for answer, this is correct. I just looked upon my plan and seems I misread it. My plan is starter which makes sense to generate that error. 

Thanks all!

You're welcome!

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