White Screen On IOS?

I am seeing an error on iOS which occurs sporadically. If the user closes the app, and then reopens, they sometimes get a whitescreen. Even when the user closes the app completely and reopens the screen is still white. Sometimes it will start back up and the user will be able to see the table items, sometimes not. I have the app set to work offline. 

I am not sure if this is a bug in my app or in appsheet itself? 

Any advice or help appreciated. 

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What is the difference between "user closes the app" and "user closes the app completely"?

Make sure ample time is being given for the app to timeout and present an error - I would wait 5 minutes in case of a slow connection.  If an actual error message gets displayed, take note of it - a screen capture is very helpful.

When the app doesn't start, are there any errors noted in the log files?

Are all users being affected, or does it seem to impact only certain users?

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