Why the header buttons hide

Hello everyone, I have a problem with my app, recently, whenever I enter a view, the header buttons disappear and I need to exit and reappear to make them appear, it's like a bug and I don't know how to fix it or why it's passing this



the buttons don't show up but if i go back it gets them show up.


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These are not the same view. 

Oh sorry I didn't realize I chose the wrong image but I fixed the post now you know why it's the problem?

Probably you have a condition that controls the display of your action or the column where it is attached. When the condition is fulfilled, I have seen that the views do not refresh immediately, so the user either has to wait or force a view refresh by changing the view. 

This is only what I've seen.

FWIW, I have also observed this recently in one app. From a standalone or inline table view, I select an action to add a row. The form view opens, and I add a row (or multiple rows since the form auto-reopens upon save). When finished, I select Cancel to return to the table view, which opens but with various header bar icons missing on the right end. I then select the back arrow at the left end of the header bar and the table view remains and the remaining header bar icons reappear. I havenโ€™t dug into. troubleshooting, so donโ€™t have advice to offer. 

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