Workflow if

Hi everyone
this workflow no longer works for me.
I tried to understand in the manual but I failed.

<Start:[ SERVICE] >>

I find myself at this starting point, so the email is sent but I don’t get what I want

<<Start: SELECT([Related Servizis][KEY],TRUE)>>
<< End >>

in this way I can send the e-mail but I don’t know how to get what the formula did before

0 9 335

Hmmm… looking at things I have two thoughts:

or it seems you’ve left out the
in the post - is it there in the template??

and now seeing that larger I see there’s only one < at the beginning of the start and a space between the closing square bracket ] and the closing carrots >>

thank you
but the errors are only due to a wrong copy and paste.

the formula still does not work

You say this works:
Try putting that as the starting expression instead of what you have there right now.


that way it doesn’t work
<<Start: SELECT([Related Servizis][key],TRUE)>>

in this way yes

<<Start: SELECT([Related Servizis][key],TRUE)>>

Hmmm, maybe try this as the start expression:

<<Start: [Related Servizis]>>

I’ll admit that, other than the point above, everything looks okay to me. At this point I start asking myself super basic questions to try and understand what’s happening.

  • Is there data in the columns you’re wanting to add?? You have the condition of isblank([Column]) - for the record you’re testing on, it DOES have data right? (I know, stupid question, but you wouldn’t believe how many times it’s actually something like this, something small. )

I try this evening…
In this moment I’m working!!:))

I tried to regenerate the services table, I get this error


Whenever I see things like this

I go back to my template and remove all the formatting on the text and paragraph (just the system normal text format) on the formula parts. Sometimes the formatting we put on there can get in the way.

If you’re working with a google doc, here some tips

the error was in another table !!!
thank you

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