Workflow page formatting (margins) not adhearing

It seems that the actual output of a google doc template doesn’t adhere to the margins when splitting a table between pages.

In this image you can see a table of continuing records split over two pages; the margins of subsequent pages have a really small top header.

In the Docs it says to reduce them, but not to what: 0?

If you look at the image I included of the workflow output page split (top image), it looks like the bottom margin is set to 1/2" and the top (of subsequent pages) to 1/4" - with the first page having something like 1" or even 1.5" for a top margin.

The problem I’m having is that the output of this workflow is used as a checklist, where people clip the pages to the clipboard and go through checking things off. It’s hard to use subsequent pages after the first because the data is printed so high up on the page, it ends up being under the clip. This leads to all kinds of paper shuffling, dropping, etc.

Any way to pull the margins indicated in the google doc template and use those? Or how about at least increasing the subsequent pages top margin to 1"?


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We don’t know when a page break occurs so cannot observe top or bottom margins.


makes sense

Thanks Matt.

To do it we would need to implement a “page layout engine” that would dynamically keep track of where each item fell on the rendered HTML page. Then based on the page size properties we could include footers, bottom margins, top margins, and headers when we hit a page boundary.

I wish I could do this, but I suspect that this would be a massive amount of work. That is why I have not tackled it.

I saw a similar explanation on another post about templates and margins. I can definitely see how this would be a whole new thing, and a whole new bunch of bugs too! lol

When printing they can adjust the margins of the print, giving more space at the top - they just never do and complain afterwards.

One person was proposing to keep track of the numbers of rows in a table and essentially do their own page breaks every n rows. I am not sure of the details. Maybe it could be done using nested << Start >> expressions. If anyone comes up with a good solution, please share it with the rest of us.

Solving the problem in a general way seems really hard. Then I picture an endless stream of bugs when trying to cope with all the variations on page layout with flowing text, side by side images, multi-column layouts, tables, and the like. The mind boggles.

I guess the only hope would be to use one of the browser layout engines in some fashion.

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