Workflow pdf attachment blank

Sometimes, not always the pdf generated on a workflow is blank. Is this a bug? Or what could be happening?

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Start by checking the Audit History as describe here

the audit says succes:

P {
“AppId”: “1f6ba42c-ac7b-4a77-b371-20fe673a41aa”,
“AppTemplateVersion”: “1.000334”,
“RuleName”: “CorreoEntrega”,
“EventType”: “Change”,
“InvokedBy”: “Update”,
“Server”: “produ9911000086”,
“IgnoreSecurityFilters”: false,
“TableName”: “Entregas”,
“RuleTableName”: “Entregas”,
“OperationUpdateMode”: “UPDATES_ONLY”,
“EventMatch”: “Workflow event successfully matched”,
“Condition”: “=[Status]=“Run””,
“MatchesCondition”: “True”,
“ActionResults”: “Created 1 ActionResults”,
“Action Type”: “Email”,
“Action Name”: “correoentrega”,
“EmailTo”: "",
“EmailCC”: "",
“EmailBCC”: “”,
“EmailFromDisplay”: “Juan J Garcia”,
“EmailReplyTo”: "",
“EmailPreHeader”: “Update to application ‘Actas Algamar’ table ‘Entregas’ by ‘’ at 9/11/2019 1:49:16 PM”,
“EmailSubaccount”: null,
“EmailSubject”: “Entrega Realizada”,
“EmailTitle”: “Alert: Update to application ‘Actas Algamar’ table ‘Entregas’”,
“EmailAttachment”: “Name: ‘ChangeReport.pdf’ Archive: AttachAndDoNotArchive FileName: ‘’ MIME Type: ‘application/pdf’ PageOrientation: ‘Portrait’ PageSize: ‘Letter’ AttachmentTextLength: ‘29320’ PDFCount: 1”,
“EmailOtherAttachments”: “”,
“AppTemplateName”: “ActasAlgamar-897753”,
“Operation”: “Workflow action”,
“Result”: “Success”

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