Workflow produces multiple records of same child row in pdf

Hello everyone,

I spent a week now to get everything running and it seems that there is just one last thing missing. To my app:

I do have one parent table for the customer orders, a cart table for the products a customer bought (1:n) and a protocol table which records signatures for each ORDER.

The big task was to get everything together into a PDF for the customer receipt. So after getting the signature, the child refreshes, two actions are placed (Run/Initialize) for updating the parent and exporting the PDF. So far so good - now the problem is that within the PDF only the first row per ORDER ID of the market basket table is shown multiple times instead of listing the products by product type per ORDER ID.

So depending if the customer bougt 5 oder 6 different products it currently shows always the first row multiplied by the number of different items instead of listing the different items.

Best regards and many thanks in advance,

0 3 154

How is your template set up?

Hello Marc,

the template is set up as the following. I highlighted the part, which is not working properly.

Strangely enough, before I introduced the Actions everything was working as it should (but with manual steps). Thus IMHO it maybe has something to do with the actions.

Since I am doing addโ€™s to the child, I followed the instruction of AppSheet to create two actions; one which sets Status of Parent to โ€œRunโ€ and one which sets status to empty back again. A composed action runs both steps everytime I am making changes within the child-form.

รœbergabeprotokoll <<[ORDER ID]>>


<<[Vorname]>> <<[Nachname]>>

<<[Adresszeile 1]>> <<[Adresszeile 2]>>

<<[Postleitzahl]>> <<[Ort]>>



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