Workflow rule expression

In my table I have a column: [Yard Sign Yes = 1 If No or Unknown Leave Blank]
I want the system to send an email, on Thursdays, with a report f everyone what has the number 1 in that field.
All of the expressions I write are wrong. any suggestiosn are appreciated

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Hi @kkannis You could create a slice of all the rows that have the 1 in that field and then base your report on that slice.

Thanks for the idea. But I think my real problem is I am not writing the expression correctly.
I want the report to show all records in which there is a 1 (or yes) in response to the question do you want a yard sign.
I have tried:
[Yard Sign Yes = 1 If No or Unknown Leave Blank]=1 and many other things, none of which work. Can you suggest what the expression shoudl look like

Hi you could try
OR([Yard Sign Yes = 1 If No or Unknown Leave Blank]=โ€œYesโ€,[Yard Sign Yes = 1 If No or Unknown Leave Blank]=1)

By the way you can use column descriptions to explain your columns rather than have such long column names which could possibly cause you grief at some stage.


  ISNOTBLANK([Yard Sign Yes = 1 If No or Unknown Leave Blank]),
  (1 = [Yard Sign Yes = 1 If No or Unknown Leave Blank])

That column name isโ€ฆnot ideal.

Hi @kkannis Some info on slices

I agree, but I have found the end users need as much guidance as possible.

You can change what you want shown to the user by putting it in
Display > Description for that column and then putting it in double quotes

so your column could be YardSign then in the description you can have โ€œYard Sign Yesโ€

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