Workflow rules - trying to get total of several columns print out in my template

I have an app that gets this data per item selected:

Price per Day
Price per Week
Price per Month

I have a workflow rule that uses my template:
=<<Start: [Related Rental items]>>


inside that how do i make it add up each item and give me a total?

Or - how inside the app (virtual column) do i make it total depending on how many items you selected?

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Hi Tiger! I think we need to know a few more details about what your app is doing and how it has been built so far.

How do you “select items” in your app?

Are the selected items being saved and you want a total calculated with them OR are you wanting a Total to show immediately on the screen as the items are selected?

Yes. So my APP is a ticket APP. Inside the ticket app you will enter items (using related Rental item - which references another table). The “rental item” table is where all the items selected are placed. As the user selects they will click “new” and add as many as they need. When selecting an item - the user will also select a price. This price i already have calculating (price per week and month (using virtual columns)). This all works great.

Problem i have.

I want a workflow rule to email the user and the customer that needed these items. That email needs to have each item on it along with a final total price at the bottom of the email. I just cant figure out how to do this.

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