XY Filtering - Complex Associations?

Here is the problem and it may take a few messages for us to understand each other, so apologies. I'll try and explain it as plainly as possible.

I have a father table - Vehicle Check Data. This will allow a list of damage to be recorded by another table - Vehicle Recorded Damage.

So there is an association list create in Vehicle Check Data of items in Vehicle Recorded Damage. Vehicle Recorded Damage is associated through the Unique ID generated when a Vehicle Check Data items is first created.

When adding Vehicle Damage, you can place an XY position on a base image selected when creating the damage item. There are 4 possible items, Front, Rear, Passenger Side, Driver Side, all showing profile images of a vehicle. These are selected using REF and looking at the Base Image Data source.

The problem occurs if 2 different vehicle checks register damage on lets say the Front Image but in different XY positions, when you look at one of the vehicle checks, and view the associated damage on the front, you get 2 icons. The second icon is in fact from the other Vehicle Check. How can I filter that to only show the damage for the selected vehicle check?

There are 2 associations for the images:

1. REF_ROWS("Vehicle Recorded Damage", "Associated Check Ref")

2. REF_ROWS("Vehicle Recorded Damage", "Profile Image")

But, No association "Lists" in the Vehicle Recorded Damage.

Vehicle Recorded Damage


Interesting part of Vehicle Check Data


Base Images Data




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Could you share the settings of the [XY] column in the "Vehicle Recorded Damage" table? Could you mention how it references the [Profile Image] column  from the same table?

The XY base image is simply a copy of the Base Image selected in the Profile Image.



Thank you. Also could you mention what are the options for the column[Damage Type] and any expression you are using for the [Base Image] column?

It is a simple Enum list. 



Okay, thank you. I tried to recreate the issue you are facing but somehow I am unable to to reproduce or understand it. You may want to elaborate or share more screenshots.

ok. So here are 2 Vehicle Checks that have been added. 2 Different Vehicles and checks carried out a few minutes apart. Both have 1 item of damage recorded against them.


So when we select to view the first in the list, at the bottom we can see only 1 item listed as an associated item of damage:


When we select the item of damage we get the following details:


But when I select on the Location of Damage (XY), I can see more than 1 item (The extra blue icon on the left hand side of the profile pic):




Thank you. Could you mention which tables have those views. I am trying to understand the flow of browsing. Is the detail view based on "Vehicle Recorded Damage" or "Vehicle Check Data" Where the double children records you see


1st & 2nd View - Vehicle Check Completed (Slice of Vehicle Check Data)

3rd View - Vehicle Damage Ready Only (Slice of Vehicle Recorded Damage)

4th View - Vehicle Recorded Damage (No Slice)

I add that view 3 is using the same data as view 4 except that the slice is simply read only. There are no expressions in the slice.

Where I see both children is the final view so Vehicle Recorded Damage (No Slice)


Thank you, Please try below. 

1. Please hide the system generated action called something like View Map(XY) that you may be having on the " Vehicle Recorded Damage" table.

2. Please create an action of type "Go to another view within this app" with an expression something like LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Vehicle_Damage_Map", [Unique ID]=[_THISROW].[Unique ID]) .  Please replace the "Vehicle_Damage_Map" with the actual map view name you have in the app for this table.

Please attach this action to the XY column as an inline action.  Please select the pin marker icon for thi action.

Also please ensure you have the following settings on the map view



Please do test well.



That does seem to work although I now have a problem where the associated damage to the vehicle check will only show as the mapped image, I've created deck views and all sorts, just cannot get it back.

New View


Old view:




Could you update

A) On which table the detail view is based



B)what is the reverse reference column name that shows inline view "Related Damage Complete Association"

C) Is it a system generated inline view?

D) What is the name of that inline view?

E) Is the map view manually created or system generated? 

F) What is the name of the map view?


This detailed view is based on Vehicles Check Completed Slice (Vehicle Check Data) (Image1). When I click on the View at the bottom, the slice it looks at is the "Vehicle Damage READ ONLY" (Vehicle Recorded Damage). It's not a system generated view when I click on the view. Image 2 are the views created for that data.

In answer to D, that view is Assigned Damage Map which is what the action calls (LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Assigned Damage Map", [Unique ID]=[_THISROW].[Unique ID]))

It is manually created.

Image 1


Image 2




@Domearian wrote:

view is Assigned Damage Map which is

Thank you.

Could you rename this view to say "Watch Assigned Damage Map" and test please?

There is a specific reason why I have suggested it. You could even try a view name something like "W Assigned Damage Map".

Sorry for the late reply.

Renamed it W Assigned Damage Map which resulted in an error for the Behaviour so had to adjust the behaviour also to LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("W Assigned Damage Map", [Unique ID]=[_THISROW].[Unique ID]).

The results are exactly the same (Image 1). Just for clarification, I added an extra 2 items, so there are now 3, two for the front view and 1 for the passenger side view. I just wanted to see if it would show both the front and passenger views, but it doesn't. Image 2 now shows the views for Vehicle Damage READ ONLY.  Image 3 shows the Behaviour settings for the view we created.

Image 1


Image 2


Image 3




Okay. I think since the configuration of views in your app is extensive,  it sounds that you may need to do further adjustments. It may not be possible to understand intricacies just by discussion and images.

The essential suggested approach is as below

1. I requested LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() so that only pins related to current row are showing. Earlier it was showing all rows' pins. This solution is working.

2) when one creates manual ref  views in an app, they take precedence over system generated views. 

3) However if there are multiple manually created ref views, my testing shows that they take precedence in inline views in the ascending order of names. So suggested you to rename view starting with "W" , a letter higher than V (Vehicle :because  other view is named starting with vehicle)

You may need tweaks based on above approach. Hope this helps.

Thanks for sticking with me and trying to help. I'll just have to keep it on the back burner for now, with a sticker saying "nice to have". ๐Ÿ˜Š

You are welcome.

@Domearian wrote:

When I click on the View at the bottom, the slice it looks at is the "Vehicle Damage READ ONLY" (Vehicle Recorded Damage).

Could you name the inline view? I think you mentioned the slice but I requested view name.

You should get the view name when you tap on the "View" link in blue at the bottom of the inline view.


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