adding a custom form (entering a name) to out with time stamp on inventory changes

how to add a custom form to allow entering a name that will appear with time stamp while make changes to inventory list. 

0 2 42

 If I understand your ask correctly, you need two cols with the following expressions in their Initial Value property respectively

1) created_by:  USEREMAIL()

2) created_at:  NOW()

With these, the default form will display these two cols pre-populated.

If you don't wish the user to change/edit this, put the following in the Show-If property

CONTEXT("ViewType") <> "Form"

yea sounds about right, basically i wanna know who changed the
inventory but additionally im curious if it can also be a blank name space
to add a name in for cases where someone needs to take inventory items but
may not have access to the app. additionally how to i do this? either way
with their emails going on the stamp or a blank space. i dont know where to
enter this to make it work. thanks so much though were on the right track.
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