appsheet form with tab change page 1 name


Can I rename the tab "page1" in this appsheet form with tab 

without having to make a new column in the main google sheet database and make it as show type.



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I understood perfectly your post. 

I am explaining that in order to even have the tab named "Page 1" there will be a Show column in the table for that tab which you can change - whether it was auto-generated or created by you.  Find it and simply change the Content proerpty text "Page 1" to what ever you wish.  

Let me explain. 

Years ago the approach to creating a tabbed view was to insert columns into the sheet named "Page_Header:<<tab name>>",  where <<tab name>> was some text you gave.  You placed these columns strategically in the sheet where you wanted tabs to appear and as assignment of the columns to the tabs.  See image.

Sheet with Tabs specified

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 7.55.26 AM.png

AppSheet automatically creates these "Page_Header" columns as Show columns in the app using the sheet column name as the table column name.  AppSheet also assigns the Category property as "Page Header" and extracts the <<tab name>> portion to assign to the Content property.  See images.

Sheet column assigned to AppSheet table column

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 7.52.48 AM.png

Page_Header column automatically set as a Show column in the tableScreenshot 2022-11-11 at 7.53.38 AM.png

Today, we can control the placement of these Show columns BUT we still must place them at the start of each tab.  this column order can be determined by the view definition itself or by the order of columns in the table or slice used as the datasource for that view.

In the image below, I am showing a view in my app with tabs.  The view is sourced from a slice and does not specify ANY column order.  The column order is determined by the Slice.  In the Slice, the first column is "Page_Header:Demogrpahics"  which assigns the first tab.  BUT the tab name doesn't come from the column name.  It is determined by what is set as the Content property inside the column definition.  See images.

Example using Page_Header column in a Slice.  Slice determines column order and tabs

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 7.49.09 AM.png

Same tab column with the Content property changed

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 8.20.01 AM.png

I hope this helps!

View solution in original post


ICYMI: Show type columns can be virtual columns.

Hi and thank you @dbaum 

I did a virual column

Two problems:

1- It forces you to have formula. so what I should write in the formula section.

2- The column goes down. I want to move it to top.

@aminsaleh wrote:

1- It forces you to have formula. so what I should write in the formula section.

2- The column goes down. I want to move it to top.

I don't clearly understand what you mean by either of these problems. My best guess is that the solution you need is in @WillowMobileSys's detailed reply from several minutes ago. In particular, you may need to ensure that:

  1. You enter something in the virtual column's App formula property; this can be simply an empty string, "".
  2. You enter in the column's Content property the text you want to appear in the tab in the app UI.
  3. You position the column in the desired location in the view's Column order property.

@aminsaleh wrote:

without having to make a new column in the main google sheet database and make it as show type.

I am not sure what you mean by this.

I assume this is a Form view with tabs.  In order to have the tabbed view, you should have a Show column already present.  In fact you should have 2, one for each tab.  You just need to update the "Content" property of that column to the name you wish.  See image.

As @dbaum points out, you could define a Virtual Column as Show.  But I think it is better to have these in the datasource to eliminate them from Virtual Column calculations.  While there is really nothing to update, they do still need to be checked on each Sync.

Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 7.40.48 PM.png


Thanks indeed ... If you saw the image in my main question you would know that I already know your suggestion. 

see clearly please. It said "page 1" and "Return section"

in which "page 1" tab name was auto generated by appsheet and "Return section" tab name was written by me using content field.  

I understood perfectly your post. 

I am explaining that in order to even have the tab named "Page 1" there will be a Show column in the table for that tab which you can change - whether it was auto-generated or created by you.  Find it and simply change the Content proerpty text "Page 1" to what ever you wish.  

Let me explain. 

Years ago the approach to creating a tabbed view was to insert columns into the sheet named "Page_Header:<<tab name>>",  where <<tab name>> was some text you gave.  You placed these columns strategically in the sheet where you wanted tabs to appear and as assignment of the columns to the tabs.  See image.

Sheet with Tabs specified

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 7.55.26 AM.png

AppSheet automatically creates these "Page_Header" columns as Show columns in the app using the sheet column name as the table column name.  AppSheet also assigns the Category property as "Page Header" and extracts the <<tab name>> portion to assign to the Content property.  See images.

Sheet column assigned to AppSheet table column

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 7.52.48 AM.png

Page_Header column automatically set as a Show column in the tableScreenshot 2022-11-11 at 7.53.38 AM.png

Today, we can control the placement of these Show columns BUT we still must place them at the start of each tab.  this column order can be determined by the view definition itself or by the order of columns in the table or slice used as the datasource for that view.

In the image below, I am showing a view in my app with tabs.  The view is sourced from a slice and does not specify ANY column order.  The column order is determined by the Slice.  In the Slice, the first column is "Page_Header:Demogrpahics"  which assigns the first tab.  BUT the tab name doesn't come from the column name.  It is determined by what is set as the Content property inside the column definition.  See images.

Example using Page_Header column in a Slice.  Slice determines column order and tabs

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 7.49.09 AM.png

Same tab column with the Content property changed

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 8.20.01 AM.png

I hope this helps!

This is an addition to the awesome post by WillowMobileSys I was having trouble with the "Page 1" Tab header appearing in every form I have, but I was not using slices so it couldn't be that. As you can see Forms utilizing "Automatic" (As well as the "Simple", "Page Count" and "Tabs" options)  and the Column Oder of  "All other Columns" inserts a "Page 1" Header by default from this screenshot
1- APP Sheet.png

My solution was to manually set the 1st column of the "Column Order" of the form view to the  "Page_Header:Device" and then to set the  2nd Column order option to "All other Columns".  This ordered all the column headers from there on appropriately and made the "Page 1" tab disappear. See Screen shot below
1-Page 1.png


HI all

In my main Google sheet I created new column called "Orders" and other column called "Returns"

In appheet I set each column as show type and of page header category and set their content names.

look what happened:

it shows "page 1" tab .. I do not know why. Also page 1 tab shows all form data.

and tab orders and returns have nothing.


>> Another question can I replace next by save.




@aminsaleh wrote:

>> Another question can I replace next by save.

No, but you can "disable" entire tabs if they are not needed and the Next buttons will skip those disabled tabs.  You would do this by setting the Show_If property on the Show column to false or with an expression.  See image.

Additionally,  if ALL columns under a tab become hidden, the tab itself is hidden.  IN the image below there is a 4th tab named Payment but it doesn't show for this row because none of the payment details are ben shown.

"Estimate Details" tab "disabled" (i.e. Show_If = FALSE) AND Payment tab not shown because all columns in that tab are hidden

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 8.33.32 AM.png


Thank you so much for your time and your kind help @WillowMobileSys 

Because the primary view is pointed to a sliced table .. page 1 could not be changed.

now once I pointed the primary view to the original table .. it works


Good news .. I just went to slice section and tab name "Orders" was at the bottom

I dragged it up and now it is ok.

thank you indeed again for supporting me all the way ๐Ÿ™‚ 


Hi again, I did what you recommended to solve the "save" and "next" button issue. But It becomes inactive.

Actually In my case I need the "Returns" tab to be triggered or activated once the order order status in my app is marked return.

so I did this formula in the view section of return column. and It perfectly works.


see below image plz


Hey that's great!  Glad you are making progress!

This is part of the reason why the standard starting template has a column designated for page number one.

You can access the standard starting template Google Sheet through the following link:

This way when you turn on the tabs in the form, and you want to rename page number one, there's an element there ready for you to make this modification.

If you don't have a column for the beginning page, there's nothing for you to work with; it's often a problem you'll face in app sheet, there's nothing for the system to work with and providing it with a "thing" makes it work smoother.


It's just become standard operating procedure, for me personally now, to include that starting page column in every table - whether I use it or not.

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