auto selecting data based on other data

Hi everyone, 

►I have an inline table called items inside an order table.

I use the item table to pick up items for a specific order.



►If I click on add at the first time, for example I selected carpet product. You see all variables are auto selected like size, color, models and special feature.

sku is shown.

items 2.jpg

►Now If I try to change the size for example.... you see that other variables are not auto changed to match the new size or new element. and so sku is not shown. I have to manually select other variables this time.

Is there a way to make variable change according to other variable?

items 3.jpg


with thanks 

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It is initial value and app formula properties. It can be done with some efforts. you have pull those values from the master data by using lookup or select / filter with help of any() functions. I have same case like yours. done successfully. you should be little strong will sequence of if () conditions.

View solution in original post


It is initial value and app formula properties. It can be done with some efforts. you have pull those values from the master data by using lookup or select / filter with help of any() functions. I have same case like yours. done successfully. you should be little strong will sequence of if () conditions.

@jaichith  do you know any one video that teaches all of them all together 

No bro... But I can help you to achieve your needs in private. I have some experience because your requirements are similar to my app. 

That would be very kind of you @jaichith 


Thank you very much for your kindness and your appreciated support.

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