
I'm using bots to copy a row from 1 table to another but it takes almost 90 seconds each time.. Someone knows why?? Is there any problem?? Should we report it to the DevTeam..?

0 7 94

do u have a lot of VC with complex expressions?

No, in fact I have just 1 vc

@Marc_Dillon @WillowMobileSys @SkrOYC any suggestion??

There are a couple of factors to consider:

1) Is this a deployed app?  If not, it runs in a test environment where there is less parallel processing offered and more demand for CPU time.

2)  What is the size of each row - i.e. how many columns and what data is in each column?  For example, a row of 100 numbers will copy faster than a row of 100 long text columns.

I have to wonder why your are copying rows?  Duplicating data is usually not a good idea. There are some use cases for it such as logging changes or for archiving rows.

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menu manage - monitor - automation monitor 
you can check if the runing time is really this. How many lines does your database have?

@diogolupcosta wrote:

menu manage - monitor - automation monitor
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