bug discovered : localization works on desktop view, not on mobile

Hi community,

What I though was a feature not available was in fact a bug. I could reproduce that on several apps, with or without complex localization formulas.

A few weeks ago I made a feature request for Localization of 'Use' (the button in enumlist). 

As the actual 'Use' in localization didn't change the enumlist button, i thought it was somehow for another 'use' button within the app, so I asked for it in features idea.

Today I just figured out that it was in fact for the enumlist button, as it indeed change the display but only in desktop mode. In mobile mode, wether in preview or on a phone, the localization will stay at default 'Use'.



Please devs, can you fix this bug ?  

Even more important for UX : 

What I think is another bug for the same button : On phone, the 'Done' button should be hidden if there is an input by user in the field. As on mobile, people will always press the validation button on the keyboard, which will cancel the enumlist window and the user input. To fix this, just keep the user input wether they press 'Enter' on their keyboard, 'Use' or 'Done', only delete it if they press 'Delete'.

Please, do something about this... Of every users who had to face this button, not a single one understood properly how it worked without further explanations. 


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I'm using the "Add" from the localization table and the translation works with the mobile and emulator as well. I'm using LOOKUP() to read the value.

Maybe related to column properties ? 



The others options don't have this issue on my end independently from the formula (lookup/text, cornered or not with "") 



Same for my users.

If anyone can reproduce it, please notify in this thread. 



What do you have with the "Add" localization?

Tried many things : 

"Ajouter โž•"

Ajouter โž•

if(USERSETTINGS("Langue") = "Franรงais", "Ajouter โž•", if(USERSETTINGS("Langue") = "Turc", "Ekleโž•", if(USERSETTINGS("Langue") = "Arabe", "โž•ูŠุถูŠู", false)))

I'm using the same format of expressions for every other fields in Localization. But as far as I know only this one don't display correctly.



Does it work without any emoji?

Negative :c 



This sounds weird as for me it works just fine with the EnumList. "Lisรครค" = Add




Hi@lizlynch , can the dev team please consider an update on the enum field as described in this thread ?

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