calculating data from other tables gives me same answer for all rows

Hello Committee

I am working on a project to do site visits for several branches and calculate a total score based on answers at the end of each visit, each visit has some tools and each tool contains questions to ask about, so at each visit, we fill the 6 tools forms connected to each visit row (located in the visits table)

Sample of Tables:

- Visits Table



Here is the problem, I made a virtual column at the Visits table to calculate the total score based on answers pulled from each tool

So this is a sample of the formula (its long formula in reality)

IF(IN("Ansewr 1",CEO TOOL[Question A]),10,0)


I find that the system calculates all raws with the same answer although the answers are different, Why? and how can I fix that?


Thank you

0 1 100

Yes,  This expression will give you the same answer for every row.  There isn't anything in the expression that is row specific.  I suspect you are not quite understanding the syntax you have written.

@Wataneya wrote:

IF(IN("Ansewr 1",CEO TOOL[Question A]),10,0)

Note that this portion, CEO TOOL[Question A], provides a LIST of ALL values in the column [Question A] from the table CEO TOOL.  The rest of the expression is simply checking if the STATIC text value of "Ansewr 1" is on this LIST.  Maybe you meant to specify the column of the name [Answer 1}??

@Wataneya wrote:


This expression is no different - it's NOT row specific - it simply checks if "the list of values from column Question B in table STAFF Tool, is blank".  I am not sure what you are meaning to do with this expression.


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