compare two lists

First List was [userroles] = numblist

2nd Lists was using any(select(employee[department],USEREMAIL() =[email])) to find

I been looking at alot of references from here and youtube but non works. Can anyone of you help me?

first scenario

[list 1 ] = {1, 2, 3}
[list 2 ] = {1,5,6}

[list 1] = {1,2,3}
[list 2] = {4,5,6}
= False


0 7 186

Try this: IF(ISNOTBLANK(INTERSECT("List 1", "LIst 2")), TRUE, FALSE)

Great catch.

More simple:

ISNOTBLANK(  INTERSECT([List 1], [List 2]))

For reference:

INTERSECT() - AppSheet Help

 ISNOTBLANK() - AppSheet Help


Screenshot 2023-05-30 150228.png
Error. i been trying to around  :((

Put LIST() for each parameter inside your INTERSECT() expression

Screenshot 2023-05-30 152210.png
Any idea what should i do? 

So by using ANY(... your telling appshet that this will be a single item and not  a list.   Thats why INTERSECT() is erroring, as it insists on 2 lists.  Removing ANY() might work equally as well assuming that ...UserEmail=[Email]... only ever pulls in one record

@JuneCorpuz  Hello June i found the solving method i dont mind to share it here so you can have idea about it also! :DDD But thank you for taking yout time to help me 🙂Screenshot 2023-05-30 152958.png

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