daily check

Hi everyone I need a lot of help I don't know how to get on with my application. I have 3 views a "Scanner" that selects me by scanning a qr code a list of cars present in a google sheet that I use as a database. When selecting the car it opens a checklist for checking the tires, belt etc ,, etc ,,. In  other view there is a list of all the cars checked, at the end of the fifteenth day the list is reset. What I would like to do is  there are 100 cars present

how do i know which ones i haven't checked yet?


0 16 325

You should have the following tables:

  1. checkList, this is just a list of items to be checked, like tires, belt, etc. This table could have only two columns, an checkID marked as key, and a Name marked as Label.
  2. Cars, with immutable information specific to each car, like model, year, etc. This table can optionally have a mandatoryChecks column, type EnumList, base Ref pointing to the checkList table. The purpose is to select what are the checks, from the checkList, that should be performed on this specific car. If all cars should indiscriminately be checked for all of checkList items, then this column is not necessary. 
  3. checkLog. This is the table that will record the checks for each car for each check in the checkList. This table should have the following columns. 
    1. Car, Ref  to Cars table.
    2. Check, Ref  to checkList table.
    3. Date
    4. Fortnight, this column will be used to group your table in a UX view. It will have the following app formula:
      IF( DAY([Date]) < 16, 
        TEXT([Date], "YYYY-MM-") & "1st", 
        TEXT([Date], "YYYY-MM-") & "2nd"

For the checkLog table, you can build a view and group it by Fortnight and Car columns. This way you'll be able to expand a specific Fortnight and see what cars are there, and expand every Car to view the checked performed on it during this Fortnight. 

Additionally, your checkLog form could show you only the cars and checks that still needs to be performed during the current fortnight. To have this you should do the following:

  1. Car column:
    • Valid if :
            checkList[checkID] - SELECT( checkLog[Check], AND(
              [Car] = [_ThisRow-1].[Car], 
              [Fortnight] = [_ThisRow].[Fortnight]
  2. Check column:
    • Show? :  ISNOTBLANK([Car])
    • Valid if :
        checkList[checkID] - SELECT( checkLog[Check], AND( 
          [Car] = [_ThisRow].[Car], 
          [Fortnight] = [_ThisRow].[Fortnight]

Upon this basic setup you can expand and adjust to your needs.



Thanks for the support !! I'm sorry but I can't understand
I am attaching some pictures of my APP.
if you can help me



Please tell me which part of the solution you didn't understand please, and I'll do my best to explain it further. 

Thanks I don't understand how to set the expressions with my type of application .... I'm not really an expert !!
I understand that I'm not helping you

Do you have a table listing cars, a table listing the type of checks to be performed and a table logging the checks that have been performed?

that's right I have a google sheet called DB where I have all the cars.
with the scanner view I search for the serial number of the car I want to check.
when I choose the car, a FORm opens for inspection.
the data is saved in a google tro sheet called checklist.
in the checklis view I have the report of the inspections made.

OK, thanks. So you have a Cars table and a checkLog table. Do you have a table listing all the checks to be performed? 


Thanks,no I created a slice of the checklist table to make an inspection form

OK, then please create this table, as detailed in step no. 1

Hi i tried to insert this formula in the slice but i get this error i don't know if i am doing right1.PNG

This formula is to build a text value that will let you identify which part of the month to which a check event belongs: the first 15 days of a given month, or the last half of the month. 

I don't understand what your slice is for, and this formula has nothing to do with and is certainly not suitable for a slice's row filter condition. 

Hi you are right! Unfortunately I have limits with the creation of a bit more complex apps, I cannot find a solution to what I would like to do

You already have a solution, you might just need to try implementing it. 

If I understand this formula correctly, do I have to insert it in the column of view checklist?

  1. Car column:
    • Valid if :
            checkList[checkID] - SELECT( checkLog[Check], AND(
              [Car] = [_ThisRow-1].[Car], 
              [Fortnight] = [_ThisRow].[Fortnight]

Let's take it step by step. We need the two-column table listing all possible checks, as detailed in step no. 1

Hi thanks for the support, in the scanner table I have 2 columns (KEY_SCAN) (RIMSES) which would be the car's social number.
in the (KEY_SCAN) column in valid if I entered this formula (FILTER (DB,
[rimses] = [_ThisRow-1]. [RIMSES],
[Checked on (date)] = [_ThisRow]. [RIMSES]
In the (RIMSES) column in valid if I entered this formula
checkList [rimses] - SELECT (gse check [rimses], AND (
[key_scan] = [_ThisRow]. [key_scan],
[rimses] = [_ThisRow]. [rimses]
Basically now when I use the scanner it shows me only the RIMSES (social numbers of the media that I checked while I want it to do the opposite.




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