displaying ref file on dashboard

my dashboard Consists of three views - 
item - table view

ref item detail - detail view

ref item certificate - ???

when user clicks on a table row, refferenced item is displayed in the detail view.

my question:
is there any way to display ref item certificate within dashboard 
(without clicking link or exiting dashboard)


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You could try to create a slice based on just the certificate file column. Then you could base a detail view with position ref. on this slice.

Please include that single column view in the dashboard view along with the ref item detail - detail view in the dashboard.

View solution in original post


I think you may wish to mention in which table the item certificate is included? Is it in the same item table?

thanks, certificate are open links to a pdf file stored in shared drive,

(files are viewable by clicking the url from detail view)

Thank you. So essentially the file URL is in the same table?

Could you also mention the type of column where the URL is included?

Also by ref item detail , I hope you mean the detail view of the item table only.

yes, ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thank you. May we know the type of  certificate column you are using?

its a url type.
values are of this format:
"https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=" & file ID

If those are PDF files etc. then I believe there is no inherent way to display those "opened" PDFs in a dashboard. 

thanks again.
having said that, is there any known way (maby store files differently) or maby store files in a ref table to show on a dashboard view a table, a ref detail of that table and a ref file (not an image) of that detail

You could try to create a slice based on just the certificate file column. Then you could base a detail view with position ref. on this slice.

Please include that single column view in the dashboard view along with the ref item detail - detail view in the dashboard.

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