embedded app view with enum list with ref base

I have an embedded app view in email for a detail view with editable fields 1 being Regions column. This column in an enum list with a ref base to Regions table. i have a valid if expression of Regions[ID] and everything shows up as expected. The app preview shows the column with multiple options and allows for multiple answers, however the email app view only shows as an enum and only allows one choice. How do i get it to work, or is enum list not supported in email app view?

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @MelBTP 


According to the documentation, enumList are supported:

Send embedded app view email from an automation - AppSheet Help

I suggest you contact the support here to report your issue: Contact Us - AppSheet Help



Thanks, yes I have sent this to them. They still haven't figured it out. Hopefully soon. 

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