error-1add new row to another table appsheet

I had used "Add new row to another table"

When event add to new table , destination table still emty..

How to solve this problem, Thx 

action copy cicilan.pngBOT_action.pngBOTS.pngdest_table.pngevents_process.png





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The syntax of your expressions in the Add Row action (from the small part that we CAN see) doesn't seem to be correct.   Have you looked at the Audit Logs for reported errors?

You can find the logs in the Mange section of the editor.

When you have an expression like H_PENERIMA_PEP[some column name], it returns a LIST of ALL column values from the H_PENERIMA_PEP table. 

Besides, I don't think that is what you want.  If I understand correctly, you just want to copy the values from the source row into the target row.  To do that...

You only need to specify the row columns in the action, such as :

<<<<repeat for all other columns in the action>>>>


Source table PENERIMA_PEP 

Task Events , already identified data send to dest table

Dest table H_PENERIMA_PEP   (histrory penerima pep)

Source                                           Dest

ID_PENERIMA                            [ID_PENERIMA]

ID_NIK                                          [ID_NIK]

NAMA_PENERIMA                     [NAMA_PENERIMA]



Your error message is stating that column ID_NIK requires a value.  This is likely because it has been set as "Required".  This target column has been assigned the column [ID_NIK] from the PENERIMA_PEP table.  It must be that this value in that source row is empty.

When you look at your error log, the Events panel shows the source data from the PENERIMA_PEP table.  ID_NIK does not show there which likely means it has not been assigned a value.  Is ID_NIK the correct column to use?




ID_NIK , alrady  closed . 

Another error Column does not match , 

Infact type source column PENERIMA_PEP[JUMLAH PINJAMAN] and  type dest column H_PENERIMA_PEP[JUMLAH PINJAMAN] same type "price"

error does match type.png

Please refer to my post above on how to assign the columns in your new row.

This is the same problem I highlighted before.  You are trying to assign a LIST of items to column that doesn't allow a list of items.

When you use this...PENERIMA_PEP[JUMLAH PINJAMAN] - (TableName[column name])... it returns a LIST of ALL column values.


Error disapears

source and dest.pngtest.pngID_NIK change to NIK.png

Why ID_NIK change to NIK , in process detail..?


I doubt it changed.  It would appear that the source table for your action named "ACTION COPY CICILAN PEP" has a column named simply "NIK".    I can't tell you what that source table.  Nothing in this thread helps with that.

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