fill a table with records from another table

Hi guys. Today I want to ask you if you know of an app that can be seen under the hood in which you can see a mechanism by which a table is filled with records from another table.

For example: I have a warehouse table and I want to deliver supplies to the kitchen. So I would like each exit from the store to enter the kitchen but that each area has two different tables.

This is possible I imagine, through bots or actions. Do you know any expression, action or Bot that does it?

Very grateful in advance.

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Use INPUT(). Though I've never used the manual user input flavour, in automation it works perfectly, and will help you to achieve your desired outcome. 

I'm not familiar with sample apps. Sorry!

Thank you very much Joseph! Always alert. I'll try. As soon as I can, I'll send you a notification and if I find a solution I'll let you know! I thank you for the hint.

Vielleicht ist diese Methode in diesem Video hilfreich: Copy Child Records To Another Table 

Danke Dir, GrรผรŸe aus Argentinien!

Ich werde diesem Video gucken und dann werde ich dir das Ergebnis erzรคhlen.

Funny enough I have just used it with manual user input. How does that work on automation?

I use it frequently to pass values from one table to another. It's easy and works correctly; never had problems with it. You do like this:

On the receiving end, say destTable, you build an action (name it say inputAction) of type "Data: set values of some columns in this row". Suppose that I want to set the values in two columns in destTable. I choose the two columns and put formulas like:

  • destColumn-1, Number :  INPUT("destValue-1",  0)
  • destColumn-2, Text :  
      ( // some large expression, but NOT a SELECT or similar
        ... ,
        ... ,
        INPUT("destValue-2", ""),

Where destValue-1 and destValue-2 are arbitrary names of your choice, and the second argument of INPUT() is the default value in case the action was launched without a passed value, set according the column type. 

In the originTable, from which you need to pass the values to destTable, build an action (say lanceAction) of type: "Data: Execute an action on a set of rows", select destTable, and once you choose inputAction, the editor will be asking to set the values of destValue-1 and destValue-2. You can set them using predefined values or any expression. 

Now you can launch the launchAction from the UI or through automation and the destTable will be updated accordingly. 

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