find value by column name

Hi to all. 

Can you help me with this expressions?

Sheet 1 - currency, column 1 - [date], column 2 -[ currency 1], column 3 - [currency 2], column 4 - [currency 3]

Sheet 2, column1 - [sheet 2 ID], column2 - [date], column 3 - [currency name], column 4 - [actual rate]

the expression should find the value of the current exchange rate from the currency sheet





0 4 99


SWITCH([currency name],
 "currency 1", SELECT(Currency[currency 1],[Data] = [_THISROW].[data]),
 "currency 2", SELECT(Currency[currency 2],[Data] = [_THISROW].[data]),
 "currency 3", SELECT(Currency[currency 3],[Data] = [_THISROW].[data]),
 "whatever default you want.."

@TeeSee1  thanks for your quick repl๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

I repeated the expression as per your hint and came across the following error :

"SWITCH function is used incorrectly: Inputs to SWITCH() must be an initial expression, one or more value-result pairs, and a default result"

I suppose SWITCH expects a single value as its expected results.

SELECT returns a list so try INDEX(SELECT(...), 1) for each of the select expressions.

Additional note,

As its default value, you may need to use a decimal value like 0.0 if your currency fields use Price type.

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