google calendar date formating

I have an issue with date format. I have set the corect localization, DD/MM/YY, but dates that I collect from calendar are un US format

In calendar slice, and everywhere else, format are corect in dd/mm/yy

Is there a catch?

0 3 74

Did you set the Localization on the table itself?

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 2.32.46 PM.png

Yes, I did.

When I create a new event from app, it saves it like US format, even when I check in browser calendar, the same.

I am not exactly clear WHERE you are seeing the US date format.  Can you show us?

I am reluctant to call this a bug as this is a very basic need used by many others outside of the US.  I suspect something is simply not configured correctly.

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