hi how can I add a column to sheet without re...

hi how can I add a column to sheet without regenerate?? (no a virtual column) I need to add new column to sheet but, one time when i try to add a column and did regenerate it changed allot of the other column formulas and information. I have many complicated formulas and specification so I can not take risk. any recommendation how to add this column? can I do this from the Appsheet table with no regeneration of all the table??

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Hi, Iโ€™m afraid you need to regenerate a table structure. If you havenโ€™t changed your original spreadsheet like column names, it should be able to keep those formulas. To be sure you donโ€™t loose them, though you can take a copy of your app before regenerating.

All old versions of the app are also retained, so you can always revert to an older version if there is a problem

@ravid_shechter how did this work out for you? It's an incredibly big risk to regenerate a table and potentially lose all your formulas and config if you just want to add a new column

If that happens, you can revert to an earlier working version of your app. Or you can consult the configuration of an earlier version to copy the expressions into the newer version.

Hi, Did you manage to solve this problem? The same thing happened to me on a sheet with 350 columns. I'm lost

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