how to add a related table values in call a script function

how to add related table values in call a script function 

my function parameter is


"""" & ID & """" ":" & """" & [ID] & """" ","
"""" & Invoice No & """" ":" & """" & [Invoice No] & """" ","

"""" & Dates & """" ":" & """" &[Date]& """" ","

"""" & Client & """" ":" & """" & [Client] & """" ","

"""" & Items & """" ":" & """" & [Related invoice items] & """" ","

"""" & Total & """" ":" & """" & [Total] & """" ","

"""" & Notes & """" ":" & """" & [Notes] & """" ","

"""" & User & """" ":" & """" & [User] & """" ","

"""" & Timestamp & """" ":" & """" & [Timestamp] & """" ,



 how to I sent the related invoice item details.
that table contain Amount ,qty column 
how to I sent the this values to the function parameter



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You could dereference the list of related rows to send each of the referencing table's columns separately, and then reconstitute the rows as necessary within Apps Script.

[Related invoice items][Amount]

[Related invoice items][Qty]

Alternatively, don't include that data in the parameter but rather within Apps Script use the [Related invoice items] values to retrieve the related rows using the AppSheet API

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