if location is off, While Filling a new form, app is not asking to turn on gps. (Android)

Hi, my app has a here() , When Filling a new form gps records in background as you all know, so the problem is, if gps sensor is off or the permissions are denied, the app is not asking to turn on gps, like most public apps does. 

my form is useless if it doesn't have gps location. 

Kindly help

@Steve @SkrOYC 

0 16 595

You could try the below

In the locations column , you can tick it as required.

In the valid_if  of that column , you could add an expression

AND(LAT([Locations Column])<>0, LONG([Locations column])<>0)

Thank You for your time, tried,this helps to make form invalid, but doesn't help to turn on gps pop-up.

its not triggering to turn on gps. 

Any idea @preethamm ? @Gil 

The approach suggested will not of course trigger to turn on GPS. The sugegsted approach was to use the valid_if property to make/ instruct the user to enable the GPS or else anyway she/he cannot save the form. 

You can have the valid_if error  message as " For saving the record, please enable the GPS in your device first"

I do not think AppSheet currently has the ability to turn on device settings through the app.


Lets see if @Gil or @preethamm adds this next update. 

Of course , yes.

Hi @comgen_technolo ,

Aren't you seeing something like this:

Which Android version are you running?

It showing first time when installed the app. But later if my location is set to be off, (in phone gps is turned off).

So When i Start new form with gps off, the app is not asking to turn on my location. its just coming to 0.000000,0.000000


Can you please try the following and let me know if you're seeing the location prompt?

  1. Completely close the app (by swiping it up from the app selection screen in your phone)
  2. Turn location off
  3. Reopen the app and start a new form

In my testing I see this prompt every time I open the app, is it different for you?

Also, which device and Android OS version are you using?

Thank you for your time, 

I have recorded the steps as you requested for better understanding, i am using android 9,10,11 and 12. 

All have same issue. 

Android 9 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEG7jZpt5dDSxDcgM0Uxy2XBC1eOw8Vs/view?usp=sharing

Android 12 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wYY84K-j_XtM4YSs_ae2BgZpUOBSR2dw/view?usp=sharing



Thank you for the informative videos. This is not the same behavior I'm seeing in my test.

Would you mind if access your app to try and reproduce the issue? I am trying to figure out if the problem is related to the app's settings or to the different device.
For that I'll need to know the app's name and I would also need you to open this link https://www.appsheet.com/Account/Account/Settings and check the "Allow AppSheet staff to access..." checkbox.

2 more questions:
Which device (brand and model) are you using?
When you are in the form and location is 0,0 what happens if you tap the location icon in the right?

Hi,  I created a sample app for test, app name is LocationTest-4660698, it does have the same issue. 

I have given the access to appsheet team, you can check that. 

I am using oneplus nord (andorid 10, 11 and 12), (realme 2 android 9), Samsung s3 neo (android 11). 

When i click the location icon, it updates the latlong, however it doesn't ask to turn on location, it just buffers. I screen recorded the video for the same, here is the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-1d8urWwpx2uHodjI5TcN-8_Yl0bL717/view?usp=sharing 

I request you, if possible to join quick 5 minutes google meet? 

I tried your app with 2 different device (Pixel and Galaxy Tab) and I got the prompt to enable location on both devices, which means it's probably a device related issue. This makes sense, because this location prompt is coming from the system.
This is somewhat of good news, since it means some of your users do see this prompt as well (depending on their device).

I wonder, what happens when you are using other non-AppSheet location based apps (like Maps for example) when your location is turned off? Does these apps prompt you to turn on location? If so, would you mind sharing a screenshot of the prompt?

Hello, could you screen capture the procedure like I did? this greatly aids in locating the problem. (Just be careful to do this after logging in and giving permission, then deactivate the GPS, quit the application, and then record the screen using the gps form.

The non-appsheet apps function exactly as they should and prompt the user to enable GPS.

It's strange that other apps shows the prompt. 
I'll open an internal bug for this and post here when we have any progress.

In the mean time, it might be worth to follow @Suvrutt_Gurjar's suggestion and use a valid_if expression to check if the location is not (0,0)

Hello, do you mean to say that when the gps is switched off and the app is opened again after setup, the prompt does not appear? I apologise for my poor English.

What I meant to say is that I was surprised that on your device you do see the prompt on non-AppSheet apps. Could you please share a screenshot of the prompt you're seeing in other apps?

On my devices, the prompt appears every time (if the location is turned off)

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