insert emails on google sheet according to behaivors


There are two behaivor who are "Creater" and "Solved" and there are two columns on google sheet (Column B is Creater, Columns D is Solved)

Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 15.56.45.png





When first user can add new topic on appsheet, first user's email is inserted on google sheet columns (Creater columns). Then second user update topic as a "Solved" and two columns are updated by second user's email. But I wanna make that when first user can create new topic, Column B has first user's email and never changed by the way Column D have to be blank. After that second user update topic as a "Solved" Column D must have second user's email. End of two behaivor (Create and Solved) two different email contains columns.

How can I make a process?

Solved Solved
0 4 130

Having an app formula means the field will change each time the row is edited, so you should remove it. Instead, you can use the initial value which is updated automatically only upon row creation. Additionally, you can use the expression I gave you en the Editable property to prevent further changes. 

View solution in original post


Welcome to the Community!

You can prevent the column from being edited again by using this expression in the Editable if property: ISBLANK([_This])

Hi Joseph,

Still updated both email columns (B and D) with last updater's email. When I add this formula "ISBLANK([_This])" , I get this warning "Column Name 'Kabul Eden' in Schema 'ÜrünToplama_Schema' cannot use an EditableIf constraint if it has an App Formula. The EditableIf constraint will be ignored."

How can I make first user's email (column B) unchangeable? When first user add new topic on appsheet, column B contains first user's email and never change if this topic is updated by second user.

Having an app formula means the field will change each time the row is edited, so you should remove it. Instead, you can use the initial value which is updated automatically only upon row creation. Additionally, you can use the expression I gave you en the Editable property to prevent further changes. 

Thank you. Solved

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