is it possible to view a googlesheet graph into appsheet

Im trying to somehow make my sales graphs in google sheet, but yet also would like to view it on my app, is this possible?

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Place the Google Sheet Chart onto Appsheet app - Google Cloud Community

Here is the workaround I was talking about.
Now, understand that this is a workaround, there is no official support as @Steve mentioned

View solution in original post


I remember I read something about this from @Koichi_Tsuji but I can't find it here.
Do you mind adding some comments?

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Platinum 4

Graphs in a spreadsheet cannot be displayed in an app.

Place the Google Sheet Chart onto Appsheet app - Google Cloud Community

Here is the workaround I was talking about.
Now, understand that this is a workaround, there is no official support as @Steve mentioned

Thanks, I was reading and following some of the comments for that post. it seems appsheet still has not looked into this in depth. My best option is to just use the interactive option and just embed the URL into app sheet, it will take me to another browser to see the interactive chart, and think this works for now. Thank you again

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