is there a condition to know if has no pending SYNC?

I have this very long Looping with actions that creates 300 child records. This child record are a random order of items (i just plugged in random number and order by that). Looping with actions is great and fast on the device can view instantly the 300 records BUT in the server side takes AWHIIIIILLLLLEEEE to push 1 BY 1 those 300 records in the source.

There are situation that the 300 records are to be re arrange manually. The easiest and quickest way is to export the CSV edit it on a spread sheet then Importing it back in.

Hence my problem. When user sees the 300 records on the device they assume it all good (regardless of the pending sync on the sync button). They export there CSV. and to a surprise the CSV only has 10-20 Records. (CSV exports are based on the Server side i guess). Honestly 300 record does take a while even i would wait 5 mins for it to finish. 

With all that said. I want them to wait. and wait they must.  To make that sure. I want to have a condition for the export csv action. Best i could think off but dont have a real solution is to figure out a condition asking if there is any pending sync dont show this action.

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Platinum 4

This is an interesting problem!

Perhaps before actually performing the loop to generate the rows, you could set a column value somewhere to indicate that new rows are being added. Then perform the loop to generate the rows. Then go back to that column and indicate the row additions are done. The CSV export could check that column and act only if/when the row additions are done.

I've got a video that shows how to do hot-linking; essentially the same thing you're talking about here @Steve 

When you introduce hot-linking, you actually open the door for migrating your loop into automation.  You might consider investigating if there's a way to change how things are happening so they can run in parallel - aka through automation.

This is a very complex topic, and one that's highly specific to each app's build, but the hot-linking idea sets things up for parallel processing.  (I've got a video in the pipeline about how to do this)

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