is there an input expression

is there a function that can take input, does something with that and spit out the results


x = user input

y = 5

z(results) = x  *  y

so if x=5 then z or the results should be 25. Is this doable?

0 5 94

Yes.  This would be very easy to do. The user could input the value for x through a form and then the calculation could be done in an expression in a virtual column.

In this case, I think @marvaddi 's meaning of "input" is more general than this INPUT() function.  But, of course, depending upon the implementation scenario, INPUT() might be useful.


I think you are probably right about his intention. Please lead the way my friend 🙂

correct, input as in users input. i kind of read about the input() function but I dont think it gets me anywhere

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