line break or new line

I tried this solution I found on this forum but it seems not to be working, at least on a card.

CONCATENATE("From: ", [From].[Warehouse],
"To: ", [To].[Warehouse])

I need to split these on two lines. Any ideas? 

0 8 171
  • UX

In which field on a Card view you are trying to do this?


In the info space just before the action buttons.

Are you able to take a printscreen?

This is how I want it to look... On two lines.

From: SANGWANN - San Gwann

To: HAMRUN - Hamrun Store




If you open the detail view, does it split then? With this way you can check if the formula works properly or not.

As far as I know line breaks are shown only in forms or detail views. There are a bunch of q&a entries regarding this.

You should also see them in your backend database fields


So it works on the detail view. I guess this means there is nothing I can do on the card, right?


This is my warehouse table:


This is the data in my table:


Since Warehouse column is marked as label, is it possible to use the warehouse Name in my output. I guess I could format it as such:

Master warehouse to Hamrun Store





Unfortunately that's true. Though you can use your method formatting the formula differently.

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